Until ADGA gets their severely backlogged performance programs updated, all show awards, milking stars, and appraisal scores are "pending." Actual milk records can be viewed on the CDCB website, and upon request, we can provide copies of our 2023 appraisal scores, verification tests, and any show awards in the future. This also applies to the 2022 DNA results still waiting for upload. We understand how frustrating this is for everyone, please do not hesitate in contacting us if you have any questions. We do not currently participate in many AGS programs, though that may change in the future. 

SGCH (p) 5*M (p) Lucky*Star's RD Fable 3-20-2015 A/A Casein & DNA typed~AGS dual registered *D with AGS RETIRED

     Fable is our powerhouse doe. Large and deep bodied, she's an eye-catcher for her outstanding general appearance and solid productivity. She is nearly ideal to what we desire in a dairy goat and the only things we’d really like to change on her are lengthening her teats a tiny bit and adding more angulation to her rear legs. As of summer 2021, she earned the last two legs for her championship! Way to go Fable! Also in 2021, Fable met the ADGA point requirements to earn her milking star. The icing on the performance cake was her appraisal score summer 2023! According to her 2024 PTI score, she should earn a superior genetics designation, whenever that program is up and running again. Fable has nothing more to prove to us and has earned her retirement. She will milk her 2024 lactation until she indicates she's ready to stop milking. After that, she will just be a spoiled, sassy pasture princess for the remainder of her days. Well done, old lady!

     Show record:
6x 1st, 1x 2nd, 2x SrGCH, 1x JrGCH, 1x SrRGCH ~5th maternal generation GCH (pending ADGA)!

     DHIR Lactations:
2021 ~ 305 DIM 3,287lbs. 3.0%BF 3.2%P.

2022 ~ 493 DIM 4,600lbs. 3.1%BF 3.2%P.(extended lactation)

2023 ~ 302 DIM 1,897lbs 3.9%BF 3.6% P.

2024 ~ In Progress!

     LA: 8-04 92 EEEE (E in head, shoulders, front legs, back, & rump) ~4th maternal generation doe to score 92!

Pictures of Draco, Epic, Acclaim, and kid Fable courtesy of Lucky*Star Lamanchas

5*M (p) Lucky*Star's ME Holly Hunter 2-10-2016 A/A Casein & DNA typed~AGS dual registered *D with AGS

     Holly is our mischievous “pocket” goat. She is very personable and always looking for something she can open or get into. She has a beautiful head which only seems to emphasize her elfishness. Holly is a smaller doe who did not fully mature into the glamour her famous family is known for. Despite this, she is wide and broad chested with a long, wide rump and loads of dairy strength. But her best feature is her mammary. Her snug fore udder accentuated by her butter soft udder texture and heavy production. We would like to see a more smoothly blended neck and a more level rump slope. In her lactation for 2021, Holly met the ADGA points requirements to earn her milking star.

     Show Record: 3x 2nd, 2x 3rd

     DHIR Lactations:

2021 ~ 322 DIM 3,588lbs. 3.4%BF 3.2%P.

2022 ~ 169 DIM 1,517lbs. 3.8%BF 3.2%P. (Dried off early for move)

2023 ~ 325 DIM 2,420lbs 3.8%BF 3.5%P.

2024 ~ In Progress!

     LA: 7-05 89 VVVE

     Holly has an AI breeding planned for the fall, with Scealai as back up. 1st doe kid retained if bred AI. All other does and bucks available.

Pictures of Vivian, Elmsley, Johansen, kid Holly, and Raquel courtesy of Lucky*Star LaManchas. Picture of Henning courtesy of Whimsy Oak LaManchas

6*M (p) Irish Blessing LL Naoise 3-25-21 A/A Casein & DNA typed~AGS dual registered

    Naoise is an elegant and growthy sundgau doe. We are very pleased with her and very hopeful for her future development. Naoise (pronounced nee-sha) means "warrior." She has a very wide rump, especially over the thurls and the best shoulder assembly in the herd! As a freshened doe, we love her udder texture, medial suspensory ligament, and width of udder arch. We also appreciate her added overall length as an improvement over her dam. We'd like to see a bit more depth of rear rib and more foreudder extension at this time. Naoise was DNA typed in 2022 and emailed proof of completion is in our possession, but has not been uploaded into ADGA's NG program. We have no estimate for the timeline and until it is, her offspring will not show full parent verification. 

     Show Record:
4x 1st, 2x 2nd, 1x 3rd, 2x JrCH, 1x SrGCH

     DHIR Lactations:

2023 ~ 303 DIM 1,887lbs 4.4%BF 3.5%P. 

2024 ~ In Progress!

     LA: 2-03 87 EVVG (E in shoulders, rump, & back)

     Naoise will be bred to Scealai this fall. 1st doe kid likely retained. Additional does and any bucks will be available. Kids will be A/A casein.

6*M (p) Irish Blessing LL Niamh 4-28-21 A/A Casein & DNA typed ~AGS dual registered

     Truly a blessing for 2021, Fable kidded with triplet does and this little one was quickly claimed by our children as the favorite, cementing her place on our farm. Niamh (pronounced neev) means radiance and we feel it suits her. "Wide" is the best description for Niamh's structure. She is very wide in her chest, rump, and space between her rear legs. She also boasts lovely breed character. As a milker, we adore her udder texture, snug foreudder, and lateral attachments! We'd like to see more overall length and height to her size, and more correctly pointing, larger teats. Niamh was DNA typed in 2022 and emailed proof of completion is in our possession, but has not been uploaded into ADGA's NG program. We have no estimate for the timeline and until it is, her offspring will not show full parent verification.

      Show Record: 1x 1st, 1x 2nd, 1x 3rd, 1x SrRCH

     DHIR Lactations:

2023 ~ 316 DIM 1,641lbs 4.4%BF 3.7%P. 

2024 ~ In Progress!

     LA: 2-03 84 GGGV (E in rear legs and head)

     Niamh will be bred to Sean this fall. 1st doe kid may be retained. Additional does and bucks will be available. Kids will be A/A casein.

Irish Blessing RK Rioghnach 2-19-23 A/A Casein & DNA typed ~AGS dual registered 

     Rioghnach was our keeper of the beautiful twin does Holly gave us in 2023. Rioghnach (pronounced ree-oh-nuh) means queenly, and we agree with the regal air of this productive lady. She is tall and growthy with incredible natural width between her rear legs. She has great depth of body for her age and improved strength of bone over her dam. We are especially excited about her width of rear udder and lateral attachments. At the moment, we would like to see a more level rump slope and more properly positioned teats. Don't let her sweet face fool you, Rioghnach is just like her mother; mischievous and into everything within reach.

      Show Record: 1x 1st, 2x 2nd

     DHIR Lactations:

2024 ~ In Progress!

    Reena will be bred to Adhradh this fall. Likely all kids will be available. Kids will be A/A or A/F casein.

Irish Blessing RK Roisin Dubh 2-19-23 A/A Casein & DNA typed~AGS dual registered 

     "Teeny" was not a planned keeper but when none of our other keeper kids were born in 2023, we decided that Rioghnach needed a companion as she grew. We have not regretted that decision! Roisin Dubh (row-sheen-dove) means little black rose and it is perfectly suited to this dark imp of a goat. We love her improvement of foreudder over her dam! She also shows pleasant levelness of rump, udder texture, and fantastic milk down. We would like to see more evenly sized teats and depth of body at this time.

      Show Record: 2x 1st, 1x 2nd

     DHIR Lactations:

2024 ~ In Progress!

    Teeny will be bred to Adhradh this fall. Likely all kids will be available. Kids will be A/A or A/F casein.